My Brain Hurts After Two Weeks of Spanish Classes

I’m taking Spanish classes at the Instituto Superior de Espanol in Otavalo, Ecuador (  And after two weeks, my brain hurts.

The first week I went to class in the morning, Monday – Friday, 8:30 to 1:30, and Maria was my “profesora”.  Last week I switched to afternoons, 2:00 to 6:00, plus 5 hours on Saturday, and my “profesora” was Anita.  I will not agree to an afternoon class again; my brain does not function as well in the afternoon.  Starting tomorrow, I’m back on the morning schedule, and back with Maria.

The first couple of days were fairly easy; light vocabulary, numbers, colors, months, days of the week. Then came the verbs.  I thought “to be” was difficult…when to use SER vs ESTAR.  But then we started conjugating, and suddenly “to be” was a pretty simple concept.

I’ve been a conjugating fool for about a week now.  I can conjugate present tense pretty well.  Past tense is eating my lunch.  I can’t imagine what will happen when we start on future tense.  Curtis always said he just lives in the present when it comes to conjugating verbs in Spanish; now I understand why.

I still cannot remember the meaning of all the verbs I am conjugating.  It’s hard to speak in complete sentences when you don’t know verbs!  I should have studied them a little more before-hand.  I also am not to the point where I can hear distinct words when someone speaks to me.  It’s really, really frustrating to me.  I know I am not this stupid!

Earlier this week in class, I had to read an article and then answer questions about the article.  The first sentence talked about “los matemáticos” and “ratones”.  I thought, ok, an article about a study using lab mice.  It wasn’t until the third paragraph that I figured out the article had nothing to do with mice!  It’s hard to answer questions when your comprehension of what you’re reading is absolutely zero.

Most days, I leave class in a stupor.  I’ve got another 4 weeks of this!  Hopefully by then I’ll know more words and will be able to understand what someone is saying when they speak to me.

I didn’t take any language in high school.  I doubt that I would have remembered any of it even if I had.  If I only knew then what I know now…