Our Trip to Germany and Czech Republic
Cologne and the Rhine River
Part 2 of the Series
After a great nights’ sleep in Frankfurt, we headed to Cologne (Köln for you German-speakers). We were able to leave most of our luggage at the hotel in Frankfurt and just took what we needed for an overnight trip. We walked to the main train station (hauptbahnhof) and bought our tickets for the ICE (intra city express) to Cologne. This particular train travels at 150 mph…pretty darn cool!
The Cologne bahnhoff was very busy and crowded, much more so than Frankfurt. We checked our one bag at an automatic luggage machine; you put your money and your luggage in the machine and it gives you a baggage claim card that you’ll need to retrieve your luggage. The luggage is taken downstairs via a little elevator inside the machine.
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